GDPR Privacy Compliance

E-commerce, Telecom, Airlines, Banks, Insurance and other companies and their subcontractors are liable to protect the Personal Data of their customers as per GDPR, HIPAA and local laws. Employers must protect personal data of employees on their payroll from any unauthorized misuse or breach of data.

Personal Identifier Information (PII) includes Name, Cell, email, address etc are protected according to RIGHTS of individuals. Non-Compliance invites fines up to 2-4% of Global Revenues.

Engage Qualified CISA, HIPAA certified expert Consultants to ensure compliance to GDPR.

Approach and Steps to Audits, Assessment, Gap Implementation and Compliance.

Steps to Compliance

Key Objectives Actionable Details
GDPR Applicability assessment High-level assessment of data protection maturity
GDPR “All Round” assessment Detailed assessment of Data, Privacy protection maturity and Governance
Privacy Impact Assessment Customized Privacy Impact Assessment
Personal Information Inventory “Know your Personal Data”- Where, how, when, who and flow of data. Capture Inventory of use.
Data protection improvement program Security by Design, Implementation, Training, Monitoring and Compliance, On Going Support
Legal Support Legal map to Articles of GDPR for readiness to regulations
Ready for GDPR Declare and demonstrate Maturity

GDPR Compliance